The Wisconsin National Guard Southwest Asia Service Ribbon honors Wisconsin National Guard members who carried out at least a day of federal service in Operation Desert Storm. Eligible dates range from August 2, 1990 to November 30, 1995; eligible regions include Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and adjacent waters and airspace.
The Wisconsin National Guard is made up of the Wisconsin Army National Guard and the Wisconsin Air National Guard. The Army component, established in 1848, numbers approximately 7,700 and is headquartered in Madison. The Air component, which numbers around 2,400, was founded in July of 1940 with the 126th Observation Squadron and is currently based in Madison as well; its major units are the 128th Air Refueling Wing and the 115th Fighter Wing.
The ribbon is beige and is bisected by a thin vertical black stripe; it features a thin band of red, white, and blue proceeding outward on each edge.