Kentucky National Guard Recruiting

The Kentucky National Guard Recruiting Ribbon honors Kentucky National Guard members who successfully secure five new enlistments.

By |February 6th, 2015||Comments Off on Kentucky National Guard Recruiting

Kentucky National Guard Medal of Valor

The Kentucky National Guard Medal of Valor honors Kentucky National Guard members who execute a feat of heroism or bravery that exceeds expectations and that typically entails risk of life; to be eligible, acts must have been witnessed by another party or otherwise proved.

By |February 6th, 2015||Comments Off on Kentucky National Guard Medal of Valor

Kentucky National Guard Distinguished Service

The Kentucky National Guard Distinguished Service Ribbon honors Kentucky National Guard members who carry out noteworthy service on behalf of Kentucky in a position of significant responsibility, including feats of heroism and often involving the risk of injury.

By |February 6th, 2015||Comments Off on Kentucky National Guard Distinguished Service

Kentucky National Guard Commendation

The Kentucky National Guard Commendation Ribbon honors Kentucky National Guard members who demonstrate outstanding service or accomplishments of a lesser degree than would warrant a more prestigious award.

By |February 5th, 2015||Comments Off on Kentucky National Guard Commendation

Kentucky National Guard Berlin Crisis

The Kentucky National Guard Berlin Crisis Ribbon honors Kentucky National Guard members who carried out service during the Berlin Crisis following mobilization between October 1961 and August 1962.

By |February 5th, 2015||Comments Off on Kentucky National Guard Berlin Crisis

Kentucky National Guard Active Duty

The Kentucky National Guard Active Duty Ribbon honors Kentucky National Guard members who carry out three or more days of service honorably and consecutively in the event of a state emergency or crisis.

By |February 4th, 2015||Comments Off on Kentucky National Guard Active Duty