Washington National Guard Defense Service

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Washington Air National Guard Unit Citation

The Washington Air National Guard Unit Citation honors Washington Air National Guard units that distinguish themselves from comparable units.

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Washington National Guard Distinguished Service Medal

The Washington National Guard Distinguished Service Medal honors Washington National Guard members who carry out outstanding service in a position of substantial responsibility and on behalf of Washington.

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Washington National Guard Meritorious Service

The Washington National Guard Meritorious Service Medal honors Washington National Guard members who distinguish themselves through exemplary service.

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Washington National Guard Service

The Washington National Guard Service Ribbon honors Washington National Guard members who carry out service honorably in the event of an emergency or other crisis as determined by the Governor.

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Washington National Guard Select Reserve Force

The Washington National Guard Select Reserve Forces Ribbon honors Washington National Guard members who carried out honorable service in a Selected Reserve Force unit between the dates of October 1, 1965 and September 30, 1969 for a term of at least one year consecutively.

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Washington National Guard Strength Management

The Washington National Guard Strength Maintenance Ribbon honors Washington National Guard members who demonstrate excellence in enhancing the strength of the Guard.

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Washington National Guard Pistol Marksman

Now obsolete, the Washington National Guard Pistol Marksman Ribbon honors Washington National Guard members who demonstrate excellence in marksmanship using a pistol.

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Washington National Guard Commendation Medal

The Washington National Guard Commendation Medal honors Washington National Guard members who carry out feats of heroism or valor not entailing risk of life or who provide sustained noteworthy service that sets them apart from their peers.

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Washington National Guard Legion of Merit Medal

The Washington National Guard Legion of Merit honors Washington National Guard members who carry out extraordinarily distinguished or meritorious service on behalf of the State.

By |November 19th, 2015||Comments Off on Washington National Guard Legion of Merit Medal