Arizona National Guard Active Duty Training Ribbon

Arizona National Guard Active Duty Training Ribbon
Arizona National Guard Active Duty Training Ribbon

History - Established 1957

The Arizona National Guard Active Duty Training Ribbon was presented to Arizona National Guard members who achieved an “Excellent” rating in the completion of basic training between 1957 and 1984. It is no longer in use.

The Arizona National Guard is made up of the Arizona Army National Guard and the Arizona Air National Guard. The Army component was established in 1865 and currently numbers approximately 5,000 soldiers. The Air component dates back to 1946 with the 197th Fighter Squadron; it is currently headquartered in Phoenix.


The ribbon is white in the center and is flanked on either side by thick red vertical stripes and a thin yellow vertical stripe on each edge.

Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster
Silver Oak Leaf Cluster