Created in 1984, the Fleet Marine Force Ribbon honors U.S. Navy members who carried out service with the Marine Corps between 1984 and 2006, demanding skills and qualifications in excess of those typically expected of Navy personnel. The award was discontinued in 2006 with the authorization of the Fleet Marine Force Qualified Officer Insignia and the Fleet Marine Force Enlisted Warfare Specialist programs.
To be eligible, individuals must have served with the Marine Corps for no less than one year (two years for Reservists) and graduate from designated training programs. These programs included Chaplain and RP Expeditionary Skills Training courses for religious specialists and Field Medical Service School for dental technicians as well as hospital corpsmen. Individuals must also have recorded a satisfactory performance in the Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test.
The ribbon features a thick vertical red stripe in the center flanked on either side by a thin light blue stripe that is flanked in turn on either side by a thin gold stripe; each edge features a thick dark blue stripe.