Texas State Guard Achievement
The Texas State Guard Achievement Ribbon honors Texas State Guard members who carry out noteworthy service of a lesser degree than would warrant the Texas State Guard Commendation Medal.
The Texas State Guard Achievement Ribbon honors Texas State Guard members who carry out noteworthy service of a lesser degree than would warrant the Texas State Guard Commendation Medal.
The Texas National Guard Adjutant General’s Award honors Texas National Guard members who carry out noteworthy service or achievements so as to set themselves apart from their peers but of a lesser nature than would warrant a more prestigious award.
The Texas State Guard Meritorious Unit Citation honors Texas State Guard units that distinguish themselves from comparable units through service that exceeds standard expectations.
The Texas State Guard Service Ribbon honors Texas State Guard members who honorably carry out three years of service in a consecutive term.
The Texas State Guard Recruiting Ribbon honors Texas State Guard members who successfully secure a minimum of five new enlistments who serve as active members for at least six months.
The Texas State Guard Physical Fitness Ribbon honors Texas State Guard members who exhibit outstanding physical ability or fitness, exceeding standards for a two-mile run or swim and achieving the requisite number of situps and pushups.
The Texas State Guard NCO Professional Development Ribbon honors Texas State Guard members who successfully complete designated training courses to enhance professional development, including the NCO Basic Course, ROTC courses, or other approved courses.
The Texas State Guard Commanding General’s Individual Award honors Texas State Guard members who demonstrate outstanding performances at any State Guard event or function.
The Texas National Guard Purple Heart Ribbon honors Texas National Guard members who are killed or wounded in the line of duty or otherwise meet the requirements for the federal Purple Heart award. To qualify, the event must have taken place during service on or subsequent to September 11, 2001
The Texas National Guard Outstanding Service Medal honors Texas National Guard members or members of other military bodies who carry out exemplary service on behalf of Texas, as determined by the Adjutant General.