Established on January 9, 1993, the Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal Ribbon honors United States Armed Forces members and reservists who carry out exceptional volunteer community service. read more »
Established on April 17, 2006, the Army Sea Duty Ribbon is a joint award of the United States Armed Forces and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. It honors personnel who have carried out duty on designated vessels. read more »
In the wake of the September 11 attacks, the Department of Transportation created awards to honor civilians and military personnel who assisted in subsequent relief efforts. The Transportation 9-11 Medal was established in 2002 to honor civilians and military personnel who carried out heroic and courageous acts directly following the September 11 attacks. read more »
In the wake of the September 11 attacks, the Department of Transportation created awards to honor civilians and military personnel who assisted in subsequent relief efforts. The Transportation 9-11 Medal was established in 2002 to honor civilians and military personnel who carried out heroic and courageous acts directly following the September 11 attacks. read more »
The NATO Medal honors military members and civilians who carried out service in support of designated NATO operations. read more »
Established in 1950, the Armed Forces Reserve Medal honors Armed Forces Reserve personnel who honorably carry out 10 years of service. read more »
Established on April 1, 1981, the Army NCO Professional Development Ribbon is granted to United States Army members who successfully complete qualifying NCO professional development courses. The initial award is typically made upon completion of the Basic Leader Course. read more »
Established on April 10, 1981, the Army Service Ribbon honors Army, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve personnel who finish initial training successfully. The Army Service Ribbon may be granted retroactively to personnel who completed training before the establishment of the award. read more »
The Air Force Expeditionary Service Ribbon honors members of the United States Air Force who carry out standard contingency deployments for a term of either 45 days consecutively or 90 days non-consecutively. read more »
Established on April 10, 1981, the Army Overseas Service Ribbon is awarded to members of the United States Army or Army Reserve who carry out a qualifying tour overseas. It may be granted retroactively to individuals who served in a standard overseas tour prior to August 1, 1981 as long as those they maintained active status on or after that date. read more »
Established in 1984, the Army Reserve Components Overseas Training Ribbon honors Army Reserve and National Guard drilling personnel who complete a term of at least 10 active training days outside of the continental United States. read more »
Now obsolete, the Coast Guard Auxiliary Air Observer Ribbon was awarded to members of the United States Coast Guard for performed meritorious service while searching for and assisting vessels and individuals in distress in and near waters. read more »
Established in July of 1945, the Philippine Defense Medal is an award issued by the Philippine government to recognize efforts against the Japanese invasion of the Philippines between the dates of December 8, 1941, and June 15, 1942. read more »
Established in July of 1945, the Philippine Defense Medal is an award issued by the Philippine government to recognize efforts against the Japanese invasion of the Philippines between the dates of December 8, 1941, and June 15, 1942. read more »
Established on December 20, 1944, the Philippine Liberation Medal is an award issued by the Philippine government to recognize service personnel who contributed to efforts in the liberation of the Philippine Islands during World War II. read more »
Established on July 3, 1946, the Philippine Independence Medal is an award issued by the Philippine government to recognize service personnel who contributed to multiple operations on behalf of the Philippines during World War II. read more »
Created in 1964, the Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal honors military members who carried out service in support of South Vietnam for a term greater than six months between the dates of March 8, 1949 and July 20, 1954, or between the dates of January 1, 1960 and April 30, 1975. read more »
Established in 1950, the Republic of Vietnam National Order Medal honors military members and civilians for exceptional service, valor, or otherwise outstanding feats carried out on behalf of South Vietnam in the Vietnam War. read more »
Established on September 26, 1939 and issued by the French government, the World War II version of the French Croix de Guerre Medal honors individuals who served with the Allied Powers to combat the Axis forces. It is comparable to the United States Bronze or Silver Star. read more »